Cataracts FAQ

by onur

There’s a lot to know about surgery and it’s often overwhelming when you’re in the office with the surgeon. Here are some very common questions from people who are looking at cataract surgery. We’re also here to answer your questions, feel free to contact us.

What type of eye drops will I be using?

You will start using eye drops after your cataract surgery. There are 3 medications you need to prevent infection and promote healing—an antibiotic and 2 anti-inflammatories. If they’re in 3 bottles, then you need to wait 5 minutes between drops to make sure they absorb in. To simplify things for you, we offer a single bottle with all 3 medications. A schedule for using the eye drops will be given to you on the day of your procedure.

When can I shower or wash my hair?

You can bathe 24 hours after surgery, but be careful to protect your eyes. Don’t let the water spray directly into your eyes.

When can I wear eye makeup?

Eye makeup notoriously carries bacteria and debris that can affect the outcome of your surgery, so take one week off after surgery.

How long will I be at the surgery center?

You will be in our office for about two hours, with about twenty minutes in the operating room. The rest of the time is for check-in, preparation of your eye including dilation, and recovery from anesthesia.

Will I feel any discomfort during the procedure?

A nurse anesthetist (CRNA) will give you mild sedation to relax you and place eye drops to numb your eye. The procedure itself is very comfortable. You may experience burning or a feel like there’s something in your eye during the first 24 hours.

What restrictions must I follow after the procedure?

For the first 24 hours

  • Do not lift anything over fifteen pounds
  • Do not drive or have alcoholic beverages
  • Do not shower

After that, avoid lifting anything that causes strain for 1 week. If you have to tense your core to lift, that’s too heavy.

How soon can I drive?

Your doctor will examine your eyes the next day and help determine. Do not drive for the first 24 hours, because of anesthesia regulations. Nearly everyone who was driving prior to surgery can do so the day after surgery.

When will I receive new glasses?

A new prescription for glasses will be given to you at a follow-up appointment about three weeks after surgery.

When will I be able to see the results?

Your vision will be blurry for the rest of the day after surgery, because of strong dilation and some swelling from surgery. The best thing to do is go home and get rest. After that, it quickly improves over the first week and final healing from surgery is done after 1-2 weeks.

If you choose an extended depth of focus lens to see near and far without glasses, it doesn’t stop there. Your vision continues to improve for about 6 months as your brain learns to use your new lenses.

What do I need to do before surgery?

Within 30 days of your surgery, your primary care physician will need to sign off that you’re healthy enough to have surgery. We do not require you to stop any medication.

We hope that we answered any question you have about your upcoming surgery. If we haven’t, please contact us so we can make sure you feel comfortable and know what to expect.